יומנים > יומן - מלא 16/03/1948

Mishmar HaYarden
Rosh Pinna
Dead Sea
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March 16, 1948 A meeting of Keren Kayemet [KKL-Jewish National Fund]. Again the Negev project and the restrictions on Keren Kayemet's commitment and guarantee for the defense loan. I agreed weeks ago with Granovski [Dr. Avraham Granot] that if JNF undertakes the Negev project-I will propose that the Executive not demand that it participate in the defense budget under the existing conditions. Granovski stated at the meeting that the board of directors agrees to KKL investing in the Negev, not only 2.1 million but 2.5 million if necessary, provided KKL be released from other demands related to defense (he wanted to add "from all other demands" but deferred). I said we must understand that the restrictions aren't sworn on a Bible. There's no guarantee that the Negev project won't need more than 2.5 million. And the release from the other defense-related demands depends on the situation: If it's essential-all resources-of institutions and individuals alike- are pledged to defense, just as the participation of lives mustn't be totally limited. [Shmuel] Zhuchowski [sp?], [Shmuel] Ussishkin, and [O.] Kastenbaum expressed concern that they'll try to do away with the institution altogether and approach KKL with their demands first of all. I explained that this concern is groundless and that thus far KKL hasn't shared [even] 10 percent of the funds raised. It's a matter of force majeure-and then all the restrictions are voided. They agreed to this. Granovski questioned new demands from the banks for KKL's guarantee. Originally they demanded a guarantee for 300,000, then ¾ of a million, now 1.5 million. I explained that it's for KKL's own good because I asked the banks to raise funds for defense so that we wouldn't have to approach KKL. But the tense state of the financial market is forcing the banks to worry about the public's confidence and they'll be able to advance large sums on account of the fundraising proceeds if the guarantee is large enough, not only of the [Jewish] Agency but also of KKL. But it's the Agency, not KKL, that receives the loan. And if KKL also has to pay the bank on account of its guarantee-the Agency will be liable to KKL for that debt. Granovski presented KKL with a budget in the sum of P£ 10,420: land purchase in the north, [the] Sharon [region], immigrant settlements, in the cities, in the south, and so on (23,900 dunams) P£ 870,000 (thereof, 10,000 dunams in the Negev, P£ 180,000). The Germans' lands: in Sarona 3,145 dunams- P£ 1,650,000, Haifa and Jerusalem 1,100 dunams P£ 2,500,000; the [German] colonies 31,000 dunams P£ 1,500,000 (thereof, 1 million participation of private capital), total 4,650,000; Lands of army camps 6,000 dunams P£ 200,000, Negev Project P£ 2,500,000, strengthening faltering settlements and roads P£ 500,000; Forestation work 60,000, preparing land 120,000, maintenance and security 30,000, betterment office and water 190,000, debt payment and share in [rural] settlement 750,000, Jerusalem, Safed, and additional development companies 300,000, guarantee 250,000. I expressed my view that only participation in development companies, strengthening faltering settlements, the Negev project, lands of army camps, buying land in the Negev (P£ 3,680,000 altogether) are essential, although it's desirable to carry out the whole program. - Ian [Yaacov Yannai] brought a memorandum from America about the purchase of ships for defense and a list-but there's no one here who can give an opinion on what's good, what's desired, what's necessary. [Commander] Miller [sp?] of the [S.S.] Kedma is abroad and will take [at least] two weeks to arrive. I cabled Moshe with the gist of Miller's opinion, which was sent on to us in writing some time ago, and we'll still try to find someone who's knowledgeable and hear his opinion. It's amazing and puzzling that not even one suitable Jewish fleet officer can be found in America. - [Dr. Binyamin] Avniel and [Levi] Shkolnik [representing the national induction center] raise four questions: To ban travel abroad without an adequate rationale. The induction committee deals with those up to age 40 and they don't want the induction center to be tasked with dealing with travelers. A delegation from [the] Paltours [travel agency] and TWA [Trans World Airlines] wants to prevent this ban. To demand that people abroad come back. To increase the induction center's budget from 2,500 per month to 34,850 per year, plus 12,000 for workers' rent. To approve sanctions against evaders (incidentally, they complain that the shura [rank and file] aren't enlisting. Thus far they've set up two courts against evaders: 1) Rosenblüth [Pinchas Rosen], [Adv. M.] Yishai, David Zakkai, Bebe Idelson, [Josef] Serlin and Dr. Avniel. 2) Dr. [Philip] Korngreen, [Yisrael] Bar-Shira, [Yisrael] Shochat, Adv. [Yitzhak] Shabo, Yitzhak Ziv-Av, Mrs. [L.] Wilenski, [Levi] Shkolnik. - [Yosef] Weitz: They approved the Negev budget (2.3 million) and want the Committee of the Executives [Jewish Agency / KKL] to take part in implementing it. Initially, the committee was composed of Kaplan, Ruppin, Branovski and Berl, Weitz and Stern. Now he proposes [to the Committee of the Executives]: Kaplan, [Yehuda] Chorin, Granovski, Weitz, DBG. For the implementation committee: Chorin, Kozlowski [Pinchas Sapir], Weitz, and a defense official. On Thursday he wants the Committee of the Executives to meet and decide about carrying out the budget. There are opportunities to buy land in the Negev, by Shoval. KKL people who were in Beersheva and left it-returned the Negev and are renewing their contacts. If resources, personnel, and equipment are available, a toehold can be established not only in Duwir and Samra [in the Jordan Valley] but also 1) on loam soil, 3,000 dunams, next to Tirat Zvi. 2) 2,000 dunams scattered between Manara and Kedesh. 3) Tuba, 3,000 dunams between Mishmar Hayarden and Rosh Pinna. 4) on the flanks of [Mount] Gilboa, 4,000 dunams. KKL is about to purchase the Julis camp-the gateway to the Negev) the land of the camp-Arab)-if there are people and equipment to take possession of the camp. [The British police bases] Waldheim [today-Neve Ya'ar] and [Galilean] Bethlehem should also be seized if the British police leave them. - Zvi [Ayalon] asks about food supplies [for the conscripts]. Thus far, the units were given money and bought food. The situation is getting worse. Food can't be obtained everywhere and sometimes the money isn't there either. [He] suggests central supplies-outside the [General] Staff, by a civilian purchasing institution: central and regional warehouses. The staff would only submit claims and receive the food for distribution. In his opinion, the staff should not be dealing with funds. In a report from British military intelligence (no. 62, late February), they say that the (British) security forces found 38 dead Arabs and 36 wounded in an attack on Tirat Zvi (February 16, 1948). The report adds: when the (British) security forces examined the kibbutz after the attack, they found a white flag on the water tower. Really? - A long talk in the evening with Yigael S. [Sukenik = Yadin] about the situation at the staff and the preparations for May 15. Of the three main branches at the staff-Operations, Manpower, and Logistics-two seem okay to him. Highly capable people who can make order of transport, the economy, fuel, supplies, consumption are needed. The establishment of reserve battalions should be speeded up. They haven't begun to make flamethrowers yet. Yigael himself is in charge of Operations: planning, daily operations, intelligence, technical [department]. He needs three services: signal, engineering, artillery. He isn't thrilled about appointing a stand-in for Ya'akov [Dori] [during his illness]. No one is needed-he thinks Yisrael Galili will do the job. The transport situation: Jerusalem needs 90-120 vehicles per day. Galilee-in addition to the trucks working there from the kibbutzim and Solel Boneh-10 vehicles to haul fortification material and 10 to haul supplies (this includes Safed). For Ben-Shemen, 6-8 vehicles per day are needed. For various places-10-20 per day. Transport to the Negev is handled by the Negev kibbutzim and Solel Boneh. The armoring of ten trucks for the Negev will be completed within a few days. The armor situation: There are around 300 armored vehicles-including 75 of Solel Boneh and Dead Sea [the Potash Company] and some 150 of kibbutzim. Most of the kibbutz vehicles are busy delivering supplies to Haifa, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem. Some of them are assigned to kibbutzim in Galilee, the Negev, and elsewhere. Armor materials are lacking. Another 200-250 vehicles need to be armored. Several vehicles are decommissioned each and every week. The minimum number of vehicles to assure urgent needs for maintain civilian supplies is 300-350, and they have to be brought. This does not include the defense services. To purchase them, P£ 250,000-P£ 300,000 in credit is needed. Mila [Bar] [sp?] proposes setting up a military drivers unit, a court composed of three members of the public and a representative of the defense [forces], to hear complaints about profiteering in transport and evasion. At least 12 trucks from Dead Sea have to be obtained to help with supplies in Jerusalem. Twelve trucks have to be armored for Jerusalem. - At a late hour they brought me a cable from Moshe [Sharett]: An official query was received from the president of the Security Council in the name of the three great [powers]: Is the Jewish Agency ready to enter into the agreement that's needed to bring about an effective truce in Eretz-Israel? This question was also addressed to the Arab committee and, informally, to the Arab states. We immediately phoned a reply to cable post: "We are ready to agree to an effective truce, it being clearly understood that the gangs will be removed, further invasion will be thwarted, and the UN plan will be implemented."