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Ben-Gurion and American Jewry
Meet the archival collections that can aid you with the study of Ben-Gurion’s attitude to the Jewish world. We suggest two kinds of searches:
- Searching for key figures with which Ben-Gurion had conducted intellectual correspondences, heated debates, or both.
Ben-Gurion corresponded and argued with people such as Jacob Blaustein, Stephen Wise, Rose Halprin, Hadassah Women's Organization, and others. Possible collections:
- Searching for archival documents that deal with the affairs of the day.

How much did it cost?
Some of our divisions are organized chronologically: Correspondences, Ben-Gurion’s Journal, General Chronological Documentation, and Protocols. Therefore, we suggest you search one of these divisions and focus your dates on tumultuous events, such as debates over the termination of the Jewish Agency (1951-???) or the question of what makes a Jew.
How much did staple food cost in the pre-state days?
As part of their fight against British Mandate policy to limit Jewish immigration to “the country’s economic absorption capability”, Yishuv institutions gathered data that would aid them in their debate with the British. Much of this data appears in the files of the Planning Committee, which was established precisely to this end and operated between 1936-1945.
Ben-Gurion himself was a man of numbers. A constant fear of shortage, especially before and during the 1948 War, led him to gather quantity and price data in his journal.
The General Chronological Documentation division provides documents and summaries of economic and logistic subjects.