Friday, August 13, 1948
A meeting with the parents' council on the matter of 17-year-olds. I gave them all the facts and read them the letter that I'd sent to the recruitment center, that the promise to bring the boys home after two months had not been authorized.
[Gur-Aryeh] Sadeh, one of the parents, suggested that the boys be sent home for a week and then to demand that they return. Hasson [another parent] objected to this because he saw it as deceitful.
- Dr. Vardi from the Ministry of Religious Affairs [advisor on Christian communities] presents 3 problems:
A law on holy sites and antiquities: the two should be differentiated. Authority over holy sites should remain with the minister of religious affairs. The Russian church. Currently [Yitzhak] Rabinovich, from Moscow, is handling the properties. To whom does the property go? Rabinovich, appointed by the [Jewish] Agency, wants to transfer the property to the Soviets. This will spark a lot of anger in the world. An international inquiry is needed. There are many authorities handling Christians and Nazareth. They should be organized as a religious community and not as Arabs.- [Dov] Yosef came. Water is already flowing to Jerusalem from the Burma pipeline. He asks whether to open Barclays Bank [by force]. - I'm doubtful. Why irritate England now over shady money?
- In the evening the Ihud [World Union of Po'ale Zion] council.