יומנים > יומן - מלא 14/08/1948

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Saturday, August 14, 1948

Continuation of the Ihud council.

         In the evening a meeting of the committee on Berl's writings.

         - The defense budget for August (excluding purchases abroad) P£ 5,338,000. Upkeep of the army 1,906,000 (apparatus [career personnel] salaries - 1320 men 58,000, 10,000 recruits in camps 210,000, 7000 recruits outside of camps 140,000, 8000 garrison force (each P£ 35) 280,000, [military] leaves 63,000, laundry, haircuts, repairs 105,000, medical care 49,000, culture 14,000, food and clothing (80,000 men each 10.5) 840,000, special expenditures of units 147,000). The soldier's family (estimated 1,000,000, food and personal equipment 494,000, medical service (estimated) 100,000, transport 150,000, fuel 150,000, fortification division - payment of debts 250,000, fortification division - new works 100,000, storage - on account of earlier works 150,000, storage of new works 75,000, Engineering Corps 5000, signal 25,000, leased vehicles 200,000, Navy 100,000, Air Force 125,000, foreign weapons manufacturing and local chemicals factories 250,000, Ta'as [home manufacture of weapons] 150,000, math[ematics?] and science 25,000, recruitment center 20,000, GAHAL [recruitment of volunteers from abroad] 8000, debts etc. 55,000.