יומנים > יומן - מלא 03/12/1947

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Wednesday, December 3, 1947

A meeting of the [Histadrut] Executive Committee to commemorate the event.

       I observed that this was one of the greatest days in our history. Admittedly, our aspirations as well as the international commitments given to us were curtailed: The territory was reduced, Jerusalem was internationalized. We were given almost no mountains, more than thirty [of our] settlements are in Arab territory, the borders are bad in military and political terms. But there have not been many achievements that exceed these. We received most of the shoreline, most of the valleys, most of the water sources in the north, most of the empty territories, two seas. Recognition of independence by most of the world, all the democracies, by America and Russia both.

       At this time we need to abide by five principles: A) Implementation entails not only the founding of the state (constitution, government, bureaucratic apparatus) - but also the ''aliya of 1½ million Jews. B) A national coalition until then (for ten years) based on three pillars: Zionist actualization (''aliya and the settlement enterprise). C) Democratic governance (individual liberty, egalitarian elections, majority rule). Jewish-Arab friendship. D) Labor hegemony and the unity of Eretz-Israel workers - who are granted the authority of their class and seek the building of the state and its independence, as the center of the Jewish people. E) Prevention of irredentist propaganda [calling] for territorial expansion in the name of the homeland's integrity.

        [Yitzhak] Ben-Aharon, in flowery language, advised against partition. [Meir] Ya'ari promised to be among the shepherds and protectors of the state. He called for peace among nations, for independence (without dependence on America, but not without dependence on the Soviet Union), for labor hegemony. [They] want partnership. Even if it wasn't possible to agree with all of his remarks - at least he spoke honestly and to the point, and didn't follow in Ben-Aharon's footsteps. The Zionist worker and the religious [worker] were missing - apparently they weren't able to come from Jerusalem. [Yosef] Lamm called for inclusive unity.

       - In the afternoon party center [Mapai Central Committee meeting] on the same matter. The speakers were [Yosef] Baratz, myself, [Haim] Ben-Asher, [Shmuel] Dayan, [Shlomo] Lavi, Ben-Zion [Israeli].

       - The riots are continuing, both in Jerusalem and in Jaffa - Tel Aviv.