[Tuesday,] December 9, 1947
I arranged with Granovski [Dr. Avraham Granot] that he would provide P£ 250,000
[from KKL (Jewish National Fund) monies], if [Eliezer] Kaplan also sends 250,000 immediately.
- [Eliahu] Sasson: It's not that [we're] only dealing with groups hired by the Mufti, but that we're already in the midst of uprisings. The Mufti's men succeeded in establishing organizations throughout the country and they'll take action - if they obtain the necessary money and instruments. Abroad - in the neighboring countries - there are recruitment centers as well, and hundreds have already registered. As of now the attacks are in Jaffa, Jerusalem, and Haifa. But there could be surprises anywhere. The opposition is weak, the king [King Abdallah of Transjordan, the Mufti's rival] remains isolated. As of now he's not allowing transit [for Arab volunteers from abroad]. I asked if we should attack Salameh. He said: no. [But we should attack] a few second- and third-tier leaders.
- I telegraphed Moshe [Sharett, in the US] that half a million will only last a little while, because according to Sasson the Mufti has gained control over all the Eretz-Israel Arabs, the king is isolated, and he can't be relied on. Millions will be required, and they need to make an effort to obtain them.
- Natan Shnor of Kefar Etsiyyon, Aharon Meir of Masu'ot, Yitzhak Agman of Revadim. Gershon Staub of ''Ein Tzurim didn't arrive. The four settlements have about 350 adults, 70 children. The notrim station in Kefar Etsiyyon has 2 [light] machine guns, 2 SMs [submachine guns], 8 pistols, 10 rifles. Outside of the station [illegal weapons]: 8 Canadian rifles, 15 Italian, one mortar. In all four settlements we need to equip Hayish [Haganah Field Corps] (at least 100 men). Fencing is needed. Need an internal telephone between outposts, small flamethrowers, a pickup.
- [Jewish] Agency Executive meeting: In the event that [we're] cut off, the Executive members in Tel Aviv will hold their meetings, and the Executive members in Jerusalem [will convene] separately. If Gruenbaum's in Jerusalem - he'll convene a meeting. Golda can call for a meeting [in Jerusalem]. The Situation Committee will split its work between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. After the [British] withdrawal from the Tel Aviv - Petah Tikva area, the Haganah will organize the internal security forces. A civilian authority will be established if the joint commission prepares a proposal. [We're] not making any arrangement with the secessionists [ETZEL and LEHI]. They must first commit to ceasing any independent activity - including extortion and threats of any sort.
- At 4 I left [Jerusalem] for Tel Aviv. We drove by way of Gezer, Na'an, Rehovot, Shkhunat HaTikva. Everything went smoothly. In HaTikva I saw a series of houses without residents.
The news from Tel Aviv according to [the newspaper] Haboker regarding a clash in which 70 Arabs were killed - has no basis.
- In the evening with Yisrael [Galili]: A draft order was issued for all of Hayish, 6,000 men - and for the [Palmach] Brigade reserve - 800-900 men. For our men who have already taken up positions, we'll allocate wages of 80 grush per day.
Under pressure from the Jewish and Arab citrus growers, negotiations are underway for a cease-fire in Jaffa and Tel Aviv.
- [Mapai] Secretariat meeting until midnight: Shaul [Avigur] regarding ha'apala [clandestine immigration], myself regarding defense.