יומנים > יומן - מלא 12/04/1948

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April 12, 1948 The [Zionist] General Council isn't over yet-although we sat until 5:00 a.m. - Vilenchuk wants 26,000 pounds for flamethrower raw materials (rubber, gasoline, kerosene, and other flammables), 100,000 dollars for Penta Eretritol, P£ 10,000 for manufacture of 6" mortars. - Yitzhak Levi and [Yehoshua] Gilutz have returned from abroad [because] Shaul [Avigur] objected to "switching horses." Two days ago, Freddy moved 4 (twin-engine) Ensigns (there's a risk of their being held up in Rhodes). In Rome, there are two more Ensigns, 1 Proctor, 1 Rapid. Six Tiger-Mouths are still in England. Freddy bought 29 seven-ton (single-engine) Norsemen in Germany. Ehud bought 10 Messerschmidts [German warplanes] in Czechoslovakia and will get another 15 six weeks from now. In Italy, there's no base for the "shipment." Only from Prague can shipment be made in a large aircraft [with the planes dismantled]. Yehuda [Arazi] was in Geneva with Shaul two days ago. He was about to return to the U.S. - [Captain Eliezer] Chodorov spoke with [Gershon] Zack [head of the naval services] and didn't find a job for him even though he's been a captain for 20 years. He offers himself as coordinator of naval operations. - [Colonel] Lond [military advisor to UNSCOP] visited the Negev yesterday. He reported his impressions to [Chaim] Herzog. In his opinion, Nahum [Sarig] is a brave guy but doesn't understand the problems of the Negev. The Negev needs the best military commander we've got.