יומנים > יומן - מלא 15/12/1947

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[Monday,] December 15, 1947

We consulted on [Haganah] activities abroad: The general inclination is to merge the Bricha [the organization that managed the flow of Jewish refugees in Europe] and the Haganah. Yisrael Galili proposes [appointing] Yisrael Zabludovsky-Amir, Jerusalem [commander], [to Europe]. For now (until Passover) Nahum [Shadmi] will remain. I'll write to Ehud [Avriel] to have him check whether Ephraim [Krasner-Dekel] would agree to be Nahum's deputy or successor, and when I receive a report from him, I'll issue instructions. The budget isn't being increased, but we're continuing after December as well (instructions to Pozner!).

       [Mordechai] Bentov, who came via London, reports: ETZEL is recruiting experts in England. Our comrades have also opened a recruitment center, but they're asking for someone from here who will know how to answer all sorts of questions. It would be good if Lesya [Elazar Galili] went - but Reuven [Shiloah] is afraid they won't give him a visa.

       I requested that Ya'akov [Dori] provide a final assessment of the number of conscripts and a reevaluation of the budget (including: running costs, production, procurement, personal upkeep, fortifications).

       - [Eliezer] Aharonov [sp.] from Netanya (city engineer) and Hillel Oldag [sp.] from Rehovot (of Solel Boneh) are being proposed [for the engineering position].

       - [David Zvi] Pinkas requests a meeting of the [people's?] guard [supervisory?] committee. In place of [David] Remez, [Meir] Grabovsky will join. But it turns out that [Yitzhak] Gruenbaum cannot come today. He [Pinkas] complains that the religious conscripts are not being allowed to join religious companies [sub-units of religious personnel]. I promised to look into the matter.

       [Pinkas], as a member of the Cooperative [a group seeking to integrate ETZEL and LEHI into the defense network], brought me a declaration [by ETZEL and LEHI, stating] that there's no place in the state for an underground (who's the one who needs this declaration?) and that they want to be included in special preparation [in training] under senior command [solely], to be included in retaliatory actions, and then they'll be good boys and won't act on their own accord. I said that we won't be discussing any proposal as long as they're not committing to refrain from any separate action on the Jewish, Arab, or English front in any form whatsoever, from now until the establishment of a Jewish government for the state. "Action refers to any measure entailing the use of force or a threat to use force - whether directly or indirectly."

       - From Jerusalem it's reported that Kaplan telegraphed [to say] that payment of 5 million is being provided on behalf of the [United Jewish] Appeal, and he asks how to distribute the money. I advised holding onto 2 million for procurement in Europe, a million in America, 2 million to send here. I also requested the half-million for Slavin [for military production], from the reserve funds.

       - Ziama [Aran]: The Negev funding plan is as follows: the Executive Committee, Solel Boneh, and Mekorot will lend (whom?) 75,000, KKL will give 50,000, from Barth [Mobilization Fund] (as against 30%) 12,000, from defense resources 50,000, in total 187,000.

       Hillel [Cohen, a Solel Boneh administrator] and Kozlowski [Pinchas Sapir] are prepared to refrain from all other work for six months for the sake of fortification throughout the entire country - in order that they not be interrupted.

       On behalf of associates [Ziama] proposes that Golda go to London on the matter of police and army conduct. He proposes preparing two voluntary Jewish divisions for the day of invasion - May 15.

       - M. Shapira reports on behalf of his comrades from Be'erot Yitzhak: An Arab friend informed them that a large-scale attack is being planned against them (and possibly the other settlements as well).

       Their situation: 230 persons, of whom there are 70 men, 60 children, the rest parents and women. There are 12 rifles, 5 SMs [submachine guns], 1 mortar, 130 grenades, 14 outposts. There's no security building. They received only P£ 270 for fencing. They request men and instruments. In Be'er[ot] Yitzhak there's an RAF airfield, 2 repair shops. The situation in Kefar Darom is more severe - 32 member[s] [residing] near Deir Balah.

       - At five I telephoned Golda. Tomorrow she sees the Commissioner. The time hasn't been set yet. She didn't meet [First Secretary] Gurney today, along with Rokach. No news from America. I asked that 3 points be raised when they talk: 1) An end to searches - because [the Haganah men] won't continue to turn over their weapons quietly. 2) Transferal of the [Arab] Legion [from the country]. 3) Our inclusion in the investigation of Legion activities in Beit Nabala.

       - David [Shaltiel] proposes appointing Ted Lurie as Haganah spokesman. SHAI [Information Service, i.e., intelligence] will provide him with the material, but there'll have to be a "censor" for the material he's being given. In addition, Roy Elston should be taken as manager of psychological warfare on the radio - towards Arabs.

       - In the evening Y. Sadeh: was in the Negev. There are about 20,000 armed Arabs in the Negev. Neighborly relations no longer exist with anyone. They're tense. Waiting for our response. Beersheva - an armed camp, and it's impossible to pass through there.

       Will we be able to hold on? With the men and instruments we have - no. SMs [submachine guns] won't do the work there. The fortifications aren't enough. Need jeeps. When our men set out, even 30 [i.e., a relatively large force], the Bedouin sees and counts them, and can immediately summon 300 men against them. The [water] pipeline is in danger. From Tkuma to Tze'elim - 20 kilometers, not a single settlement. Earth fortifications [entrenchments] are needed [around the settlements], for forces to be positioned in them.

       How many men will be able to hold on?

       A thousand mobile men, half the Palmach, equipped with automobiles and rifles and [light] machine guns. Men without weapons are only a burden.

       At a meeting of Division Bet [which handled personnel appointments and general matters within the National Headquarters] I demanded 5 men: for vehicle appropriations, supplies, weapons, personnel, fortification, and to immediately send men and supplies [to the Negev] because before a response it's necessary to have maximum fortification. The question arose as to whether to evacuate Kefar Darom (the weakest one). I announced that no settlement in the Negev is being evacuated. If the people in a particular settlement are weak and must leave - others will replace them.