Wednesday, February 18, 1948
Bar-Kochba [Meirovitz] and Zeev Hayam presented a plan for naval equipment: To immediately purchase 2 LCT [Landing Craft, Tank] (200-300 tons each P£ 15,000 each) P£ 30,000, 6 LCM (Land Craft Mechanism [Landing Craft, Mechanized]) (15 tons each, P£ 2,500) P£ 15,000, 3 ML (Motor Launch [patrol boats], 50 men each, P£ 8,000) 24,000, all together P£ 69,000 (over the course of one or two months: 2 PV (Patrol Vessel, P£ 25,000 each) P£ 50,000, 9 MTB [Motor Torpedo Boat] (P£ 40,000 each) P£ 360,000, 6 MPML (Marine Police Motor Launch) - 45 men each, P£ 25,000) in total 150,000, all together P£ 629,000.
Part A of the program is for the transport of personnel, supplies, and ammunition. The second part is for protection against Arab sabotage and attacks. There's a proposal from Ashe Lincoln (British naval officer) to purchase a Destroyer and Corvettes - to withstand Egyptian naval forces (a Destroyer carries 3-inch cannons, 4 armed sloops, 4 torpedo boats, 20 Motor Launches [patrol boats]).
We agreed that Zeev [Hayam] would leave for Italy immediately, make contact with Ada [Sereni], and see what's available for purchase there and how much money it requires. In the meantime we'll also inquire in America in consultation with experts (via Paul Shulman) as to what's necessary for naval defense and what we can acquire, and I'm sending a letter to New York via David Hacohen.
Bar-Kochba promises that the Tel Aviv port [development] work can be carried out in full if Kaplan provides P£ 150,000 during May-June-July and commits to another P£ 150,000 over the course of the following nine months.
- Hai [Yissacharov] relays that Avraham Rutenberg [manager of the Electric Company] and he are leaving for London on Sunday regarding air [fleet] matters. [We] have to purchase three Dakotas - P£ 52,000 [-] and get a permit to bring the airplanes that Freddy [Fredkins] purchased (4 Anson[s], 2 Rapid, 1 Protector) or buy others instead. I approved this purchase. But again I telegraphed to demand that Freddy come immediately.
Hyman [Shamir] of the air service leaves for America on Sunday. He wants to purchase 10 Harvard (about $ 4,000 each) and 36 Mustangs ($ 4,000 each). After consulting it turns out that this is not a well-thought-out defense and counterattack plan based on the assumption [that we] are likely to face in Egyptian or Iraqi air assault. He undertook to bring a considered plan in two days, and then I'll give him a letter from New York, to make the necessary funds available to him.
- Shaul [Avigur] came to see me. He wants to make the necessary preparations for the Negev. He insists on Haim Gvati as manager of the settlement [project], as his secretary - [Yitzhak] Gvirtz. Nahum Sarig will have to consult with him (currently subordinate to the Palmach staff). The current transport person [coordinator] in the Negev (Yitzhak Spector [sp.]) - is not adequate in his opinion.
- [Eliahu] Dobkin [head of the Immigration Department] proposes appointing Shlomo Rabinovitz [Shamir] and Arthur [Asher Ben-Natan] as the "Organization" representatives to the service committee [for volunteers from] abroad. I agreed, on the condition that Shlomo Rabinovitz accept this.
- In accordance with the Executive decision, a committee of Bernstein, Dobkin, [Yeshayahu] Klinov, [Walter] Eytan, and Agronsky [Gershon Agron - editor of the Palestine Post] discussed the matter of a foreign press liaison officer. They propose Agronsky for this position. Klinov and [Yosef] Gravitsky [Regev] oppose him. In my opinion Eytan would be suited for this, and if Eytan can't - then Agronsky should be the choice.
- I received another visit from members of Negba (HaShomer HaTza'ir) [should be: HaKibbutz HaArtzi, here and below] Gat (HaShomer HaTza'ir), Kfar Menahem (HaShomer HaTza'ir), and Nitzanim (HaOved HaTzioni). So far they've received no fortification, and the Gedera subdistrict commander informed them that they belong to his subdistrict and are included in his fortification plan. Strange: Quite some time ago I gave instructions to include these four settlements in the Negev plan. As to administrative separation, I said that this is not within my purview but I'll ask for clarification.
- In the afternoon a delegation, [Yosef] Sapir, [Aryeh] Shenkar, [Haim] Ariav, [Zvi] Isaacson, [Shaul] Lifschitz [of the Chamber of Commerce] and three others. They have a Yishuv economic committee (established ten months ago) that represents the farmers' [and orchardists'] association, manufacturers, the Chamber of Commerce and merchants' organizations, and Israel Rokach - as representative of the civilian elected officials from municipalities and [local] authorities. (What's the connection between this and HaIhud HaEzrahi? - Answer: HaIhud HaEzrahi only covers matters of defense, because of the agreements it made). Now they hear that there's talk of establishing a temporary government. They insist on being represented.
They heard about two proposals - and for each [of] the proposals their inclusion is necessary.
I asked: How many? - If the government comprises 13-15 people, they demand two positions.
I told them that I'm puzzled by a few aspects of the committee's composition, announcement, and desire for representation, but I won't raise these points and I won't argue, because I've resolved to address only matters of defense, and I won't present myself as a candidate for anything else, nor will I handle the composition of a government that could provoke arguments and fights in the Yishuv, because in light of defense [needs] I must enlist, which also means consolidate, the Yishuv to the extent possible. Therefore in this matter I'll limit myself to conveying their proposal to the Executive, and someone else will handle the negotiations with the bodies and the parties.