יומנים > יומן - מלא 19/12/1947

South Africa
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[Friday,] December 19, 1947

In the evening Zabrasky: Yosef Rochel [Avidar] says that we need to buy 150 vehicles, P£ 100-150 each, with repair P£ 400. Total 60,000 up to [not including?] the Negev[.] Need to increase tire reserves P£ 10,000, fuel reserves 30,000, total 320,000. Equipment: tents for 7-8000 men about P£ 30,000, 6-7000 beds and mattresses 15,000, 12,000 - 15,[000] blankets P£ 8-9000. 3000 uniforms and shoes P£ 10,000, 2000 gear sets P£ 3000, 2000 dishes/cutlery P£ 2000 - total P£ 80,000. Barbed wire (ordered by HaMashbir in Egypt [?], not yet received) P£ 40,000 (1200 tons); air fleet P£ 30,000, P£ 35,000, special purposes; fortifications (outside the Negev) P£ 100,000, Negev 30,000 (in addition to 20,000 [for] vehicles), motorboats 30,000, healthcare 15,000, in-country procurement 75,000, armoring 25,000, brigade P£ 8,000, scientific production 14,000 - in total P£ 597,000.

       Running costs: budget 100,000, brigade 2,500 men X P£ 1.10 per day = 82,000 per month. 460 meters [at] P£ 5 per month each = P£ 2300. 4200 corps men, P£ 1.5 each per day - P£ 190,000 per month.

       Upkeep of vehicles, fuel and repairs P£ 9000 - in total P£ 383,000 per month. Upkeep of air fleet 10,000, SHAI 10,000, miscellaneous 5000, healthcare 2000. Ta'as 25,000, production 25,000, [PVR?] 5000, reserve 18,000, total 10,000, with the previous 483,000 per month, for three months P£ 1,450,000.

       Income - in the account [balance brought forward] P£ 220,000, KKL 190,000, South Africa 100,000, Kofer [HaYishuv] 10,000, fundraising campaigns [?] 50,000 = 570,000 total.

       - Shevah [Haim Slavin] and Eliahu Sacharoff: We need to start building a factory for rifles. There's a KKL plot of land in Nahalat Yitzhak near the women's farming settlement. The plot is currently in WIZO [the Women's International Zionist Organization]'s hands, completely empty.