יומנים > יומן - מלא 20/08/1948


[Friday,] August 20, 1948

This morning - official reception for [US Ambassador James] McDonald, without superfluous ceremonies.

       In our conversation he told me of his great concern that they're about to decide things that seem right and sensible in America, which we might not accept, such as the return of refugees. We shouldn't deceive ourselves that because of elections America will refrain from sanctions against us. I told him that on two matters we won't compromise at all: defense and independence. A return of refugees puts us in the hands of the pashas. As long as there's an invading army here, we cannot have a hater [an enemy] return to the country, even if they impose sanctions on us. McDonald said that he received a long memorandum this evening and they haven't finished deciphering it yet; when he knows he'll tell us. What he said is not by the book, but he doesn't work for the State Department, and he's concerned about good relations [between] the two countries. For this reason he's arranging for a private apartment - because it's possible that there will be demonstrations against him, if it becomes known here that his government is taking this line. He advised speaking soon with the president, with [Secretary of State George] Marshall, [Senator] Vandenberg, [John Foster] Dulles - to explain the matter to them. Neumann and Silver wouldn't be suitable for this role, neither would Epstein [Eliahu Elath]. He advised immediately sending someone to Felix [Frankfurter], to mobilize a few people. I asked him whether Maurice Wertheim might influence Marshall. He was astounded [to hear] that Wertheim would do this. I told him that he's my loyal friend, and if I just explain the matter to him, he'll willingly do it.

       I conveyed these things to Moshe [Sharett]. He advises sending [Jewish Agency political secretary] Leo Kohn to America immediately.

       - At eleven Defense Committee. I surveyed the situation and our preparations. They mainly discussed the question of those born in 1931. Chairman [David Zvi] Pinkas summarized the discussion with the following recommendations: 1) The government will issue a draft order for those born in 1931. 2) To decide on the inclusion of [youth] in combat only on the basis of a special government decision. 3) To announce leniencies for eleventh-graders to finish their studies. 4) To issue a statement about the draft office's mistake [regarding 17-year-olds].

       - The status in the Artillery Corps: number of instruments.

44 65 mm C. [cannons], 24 20 mm C, 7 anti-tank C., 8 75 mm C., anti-aircraft 2 C. 37 howitzer. To operate these instruments requires: 147 officers, 273 sergeants, 271 R.T. and T.R. [?], 33 mechanical assistants, 103 signalmen, 353 drivers, 1331 artillerymen, total 2511. Currently in induction: 136 officers, 182 sergeants. 235 271 R.T. and T.R. [?], 200 signalmen, 287 drivers, 1840 artillerymen, total 2880, surplus 369.

       The corps also operates 6 120 mm mortars, 10 6" mortars, close to 200 men are engaged with these instruments.

       Soon there will arrive 82 field C., 16 20 mm C., which will then require 247 O. [officers], 416 S. [sergeants], 568 R.T. and T.R. [?], 168 mechanical assistants, 344 signalmen, 707 drivers, 2044 artillerymen, total 4494, shortfall 1614.

        There are 40 trainees in an officers course [in the Artillery Corps] - which will finish in 6 weeks. There are also courses for a cadre of officers, 25 are taking an anti-tank course, which will finish in 3 weeks. [We] still lack men for courses for officers, signalmen, technical assistants, drivers. [We] therefore requires 60 men from a platoon commanders course - for an artillery officers course, 1,300 soldiers, aside from the 200 from Gadna [Youth Battalions, i.e., youths born in 1931].

       - [Judge] Gad Frumkin came to see me, bitter that he'd been passed up in the Agency and the state, and not only that but they were also denigrating him. He demands a review of three ministers. I'll speak with Rosenblüth [Pinchas Rosen].

       - Globman [Akiva Govrin] came. He wants 3 things: A) Age increase for industry workers - it was decided in the [Histadrut] executive committee that the government would decide: [Mordechai] Bentov, [Eliezer] Kaplan, [Peretz] Bernstein, [Yitzhak] Gruenbaum. Only Bentov and Gruenbaum were at today's meeting. He insists that I summon him (with Kaplan - because this issue should not be "dragged out"). B) The situation in the executive committee - it's imperative that Ziama [Aran] be brought back. Grabovsky [Meir Argov] has joined - he'll have the portfolio for organization and the unaffiliated. Yehudit [Simhonit] should be included. Globman was offered the position of managing the vocational department, now they want to bring Abba [Khoushy] into this department. If this is true, he won't have anything to do, because he won't work in accounts or coordination. C) the situation in the party - need to bolster the branches and their influence in the party, and workers' councils should be invited to the party [for discussions] on state matters. Need a plan for taxes, improving the status of workers, and the Histadrut's independence.

       - [General] Staff meeting: The personnel shortage is pressing. There are only 1,300 men in intake. For the Negev 600, for the south 500, for Kiriati 1,500. There's a shortfall (for the garrison!) of 2,600 men. The battalions are short about 6,500 men. Under these circumstances the brigades won't be ready for action on September 1. Givati battalions are still in the strongholds. The delegation being sent abroad [for recruitment] hasn't left yet - will leave next week. [Moshe] Zadok [head of the Personnel Department] is calling for the conscription of those born in 1931 - this will provide 4,000-5,000 if all the Aliyat HaNo'ar [youth immigrant programs] are taken. The MLB [military labor brigade] is not mobilizing, because the option and the selection are being carried out by local committees, who released them. Zadok is demanding that I appoint a special committee: one person from the Personal Department, a second - [Menachem] Bader [director-general of the Ministry of Labor and Construction], third - Dolik [David Horowitz]. The Eretz-Israelis abroad should be brought back - to the country.

       I raised Haft and Gvati's objection to the conscription of youth groups. Zadok and Ya'akov believe that subdistrict training is not possible because it requires many instructors. Shlomo [Shamir] proposes using these youths for guard duty at airfields and the like. This will [indeed] sustain the youth groups somewhat, but will destroy their settlement work.

       Zadok insists that immigrants not wait until their families have been sorted out [in order to enlist]. This is easy to demand - and difficult to do.

       There's the problem of payments to parents and the level of payments - the lack of a law is causing aggravation. The Defense Committee will not decide on this until next week.

       Yosef Avidar raises the question of vehicles. A third are in workshops, waiting for repairs, and there's no manpower to repair them. There are 200 jeeps that need repair. [We're] short 1,600 mechanics - and there's no chance of finding them. Need to shift to a factory work system in Sarafand [Tzrifin] - with good equipment that requires only a few experts, and unskilled workers. Such a system will make it possible to repair 700 vehicles over the course of two months. This requires 800 unskilled workers - women, youths. Need to bring in 150 mechanics who are working in the army - as cooks etc.. Aharon Remez adds: The Air Force requires 80 skilled workers - welders, upholsterers, metalworkers, etc. - to repair and adapt airplanes, equip them, and so on.

       Yosef [Avidar] - need workers for housing. Many huts lack windows. In the winter they won't function as accommodation unless repaired.

       I summoned Teddy [Kollek] and asked how many Eretz-Israeli students there are in America. He answered: 300 have returned, there are about another 70 subject to conscription. The last [draft] order brought a few of those subject to conscription. The costs of return are $ 250 per person.

       - Ya'akov [Dori]: If [Adv. Nahum] Het is not suitable as legal advisor [for the IDF], then he should be honorably dismissed. Hoter-Yishai submitted a proposed judiciary law. It needs to be polished. Ya'akov wants to give Yigael [Yadin] a high-ranking position - either deputy or platoon commander or senior. In my opinion he deserves this and we just need to find a satisfactory definition. Ya'akov reports on behalf of Yigal Allon that he agrees there's no point to the Palmach staff as it is, but that a core group has to remain for three things: 1) to ensure manpower for the Palmach, 2) a cultural division for the Palmach, 3) a joint squad commander course for the brigades.


The budget from October 1947 to August 1948 (not inclusive):



Expenditure (in cash)

October 47



November 47



December 47



January 48



February 48



March 48



April 48



May 48



June 48



July 48







Expenditures from October to July:

Upkeep (including training)


Food and personal equipment


For families




Miscellaneous and debts




Census and public service center






Ta'as [weapons manufacturing] - abroad


SHAI (Information Service, i.e., intelligence)


Chemical production






Medical Service








Air Force




Engineering Corps


GAHAL [overseas recruitment]



Aside from payments in cash there are debts for: upkeep approximately 400,000, food and personal equipment 750,000, fortifications 600,000, Ta'as [weapons manufacturing] - abroad (Vilenchuk) 200,000, transport 200,000, housing 280,000, recruitment center 20,000, miscellaneous 50,000, total debts 2,500,000.

       Sources of income from October to July:

The [Jewish] Agency 7,808,465, Mobilization Fund 1,085,282, Kofer HaYishuv [the Yishuv's defense fund] 379,500, KKL 481,000, loans 126,377, miscellaneous 62,500, Finance [Ministry] 4,920,000.

       Comparison (of 1934-1947 income) with the Haganah [budget]:

1934 (March-December) P£ 6,694; 1935 - 7,978; 1936 (January-September) 12,203; 1937 (October 1936 - September 1937) 39,554; 1938 - 38,875; 1939 - 213,014 (?); 1940 - 99,873; 1941 - 110,183; 1942 - 213,072; 1943 - 281,470; 1944 - 383,980; 1945 - 539,260; 1946 - 708,765; 1947 - 770,000.

       [Jewish Year] 5,707 [September 1946 - September 1947] budget [for the Haganah]:

Administration (National Headquarters, Staff, and their services) 47,525; regional bureaus 54,090; training: garrison 24,500; Hayish [Haganah Field Corps] 43,000; Gadna [Youth Battalions] and [?] 32,500; Training Bureau 40,000; mobile patrol training [trucks for notrim (British-appointed guards) - in practice Hayish] 10,000 (total for training 150,000); Palmach 120,000; Ta'as 250,000; procurement 20,000; maintenance of existing warehouses 20,000; radio set up 20,000 (total for equipment 310,000); transport 25,000; tribunals 2,400; SHAI 25,000; finance [?] 4,000, reparations and remunerations 12,000; hasbara [explanation, public relations] 2,500; air transport 2,200; miscellaneous (for sports - HaPo'el and Maccabi, A. Shapira etc.) 9,200; debts 0; miscellaneous 3,085; total 720,000.

       Income [for the Jewish year 5,707 budget]: from abroad 440,000 (of this 150,000 from America); sale [of arms to the settlements] 100,000; Kofer HaYishuv 72,000; fundraising 90,000; special project (?) 70,000.

       The apparatus [career personnel] in [Jewish Year] 5,707: 192 men: in N.H. [National Headquarters] 13, Staff 16, signalmen 8, accountants 6, financial staff 6, transport: garage workers 2; planning 6; religious observance [inspection] 1; medical 1; Jerusalem region 9; Tel Aviv 15; South 14; Center 16; Haifa 13; North 17; [Palmach] Brigade 10; equipment 25; tribunals 2.