[Sunday,] December 21, 1947 [Jerusalem]
In the morning I went to Jerusalem. We drove by way of Rehovot - Hulda (why not through Ramle?). Between Latrun and Jerusalem there's almost no traffic, not even Arab. Before I left Tel Aviv they gave me a letter from [Moshe] Sneh, in which he announces his withdrawal from the administration because of differences of opinion between him and the General Zionists regarding foreign and internal matters.
Epstein telegraphs from Washington (December 18, 1947): Saudi Arabia is recruiting volunteers for Eretz Israel (4 camps). English and American companies were required to donate for the cause of Palestine, but refused per their governments' advice. Cairo reports on an agreement between Abdallah and the Mufti.
Alon [Yehuda Arazi] telegraphs (December 9, 1947): He bought 3 Constellation [planes], costs 160,000 with all the reserve parts, will buy 8 C-46 [Commando cargo planes] next week. Requests import permits. [We] can obtain a bazooka for $125 and ammunition for 16.5 per piece. He requests import permits for 40 jeeps, 10,000 blankets, 1,000 tents (each for 9 men), 10,000 army coats. [We] can obtain small military airplanes for zero cost. And again he asks about import permits. He's waiting for Ehud [Avriel]'s moves, and not getting involved in procurement for now.