יומנים > יומן - מלא 24/03/1948

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March 24, 1948 Ami Kaufmann came over from a meeting of "the three." Ehud bought a) 4,500 [rifle] barrels ($46.8 each, 200 machines (448.2 each), 5½ nails [rounds of ammunition] 88.47 per thousand), 10,000 barrels (41.18 each), 1,421 machines (394.42 each), 16 million nails (83.16 per thousand), 1½ million 9 mm nails (56.43 per thousand). They paid Yoram $300 per ton for shipping. Alon [Yehuda Arazi] bought 15,000 barrels (19 each), 30 million nails (28 per thousand), 5,000 Colt [handguns] (18 each), 2 million nails (9 per thousand), 1,080 Bren [submachine guns] (116 each), 50 4.2 [inch] mortars with 50,000 shells, 20 cannon 25 [75?] mm with 25,000 shells, 100 PIATs with 50,000 shells (total $2.1 million). 200 bazookas have been ordered-they're not ready. Also bought 26 medium-sized Sherman tanks with 1,000 [shells] for each ($6,600 each). Bought a piece [ship] for 300,000 for transport. Three Constellation [aircraft] were transferred to Panama. Bought 25 cannon 20 mm with 12,000 training shells, 75,000 beton [?], 35,000 for piercing complete, 36,400 each (Swiss). I transferred 3 million from Hammer [secretary of fundraising activity in the U.S.] to Pazner [the treasury agent in Europe] for Ehud. - According to an unsigned letter (all I received was a copy) to Hillel [Slavin's alias in the U.S.] (according to Hillel, the letter was written by Teddy [Kollek] from March 16, 1948, the $50,000 that I gave Ephraim [Katzir] has been spent: 10,000 for SniperScopers [sniper's sights], 20,000 on radar sets together with the course (?) [for their operators], 20,000 on chemical substances. Teddy wants another 50,000. (What has Teddy got to do with this?) - Aharon [Katzir] reported the following progress to me: Setting up a 6-inch mortar-4 kilometer range, 30 kilogram shell. Armor-piercers (PIAT)-the small one pierces 40 millimeters, the large one 60. Manufacturing nitric acid; making teargas-the tests were successful. Haven't begun production yet. There's a type that's weaker-but stabler. I'll continue the experiments with F.P. on researching water sources. Alex Kutznik is dealing [with it].