יומנים > יומן - מלא 23/12/1947

Bat Yam
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[Tuesday,] December 23, 1947

I left before nine in a convoy to Tel Aviv. By the Bab el-Wad [Sha'ar HaGai] forest we were attacked from the hill, and four were wounded. One bus was rendered unusable. The army was present at the site and it attacked the Arabs who, apparently, fled. Near Latrun we were required to stop - to transfer the passengers from the broken bus. And then the commissioner came through from Jerusalem. Apparently it was in his honor that the army had been near the Bab el-Wad forest.

       - A cable came from Ehud [Avriel]: Good chances of concluding a purchase for 500 [thousand] Stephens [US dollars]: tubes [rifles], machines [light machine guns], nails [bullets]. So far we've spent 300,000. [We] hope to receive another 700,000. He hasn't yet seen Dov [Benari] and Ephraim [Dekel].

       - The action [response] in Yazur [today - Azur] has been delayed, and [we're] having a lull of 2-3 days, per the administration's decision. But the exception is Tel A-Rish [today - Tel Giborim], which is not giving Bat Yam any rest [mainly - attacking transport].

       I informed Yisrael [Galili] and Ya'akov [Dori] about the decisions of the majority [in the administration] regarding the secessionists, and the Revisionists.