יומנים > יומן - מלא 25/08/1948

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Wednesday, August 25, 1948

Last night I finished the debate in the General Council at 2 a.m., and in the morning I returned to Tel Aviv, and I arrived at the office as the Staff convened.

       - Gruenbaum informed me that LEHI in Jerusalem have accepted the demand to disband and join the army. ETZEL will give its answer today.

       - The "Betzer" Operation ("combing" for draft dodgers in Tel Aviv) has to date produced the following results: 292 men were inducted, 260 women. 980 men were arrested, of these 450 were disqualified after a medical exam, 538 need to be examined. Women's reporting for duty "increased extraordinarily" after the combing [operation] - instead of 200 women per week, more than 2,000 women reported for duty during the three days of the combing [operation]. 125 men were turned over to the military police as deserters and absentees.

       - In the afternoon government meeting. In the evening a session of the Zionist General Council.