יומנים > יומן - מלא 29/08/1948

United States
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Sunday, August 29, 1948

Isser [Be'eri] and Ephraim Reizner [sp.] regarding Abba [Khoushy]. Reizner: He's devoted and loyal and skilled, when [one is] not fighting [with him], but he's taken independence away from the Haifa workers, and only people who completely submit to him can work with him. He operates not only by persuasion, but also by intimidation. Ephraim will speak with Kadish [Luz] and [Yisrael] Gurfinkel [Guri] to have them clarify what needs to be clarified.

       - Staff meeting: Yigal Allon, Eliezer [Shoshani], [Ya'akov] Dori, [Yigael] Yadin, [Yosef] Avidar, [Moshe] Zadok. Allon proposes taking all Operations Department [and] Logistics Department matters out of the hands of the Palmach staff (aside perhaps from personal consumption), to leave the Training Department, Cultural Division, and the Personnel Department [adjutancy] - subordinate to the Personnel Department - within the Staff. I suggested that the Staff look into the issue and propose conclusions.

       Isser Ben-Zvi [from the Youth Department and NAHAL ­- No'ar Halutzi Lohem - Pioneer Fighting Youth] proposes admitting to the training camps only those [in Aliyat HaNo'ar, youth immigrant programs] who are completing their training during the current and coming months, namely, 564 youths [boys and girls]: the overall total of those born in 1931 out of the [total number of] immigrant youths is ,3200, of whom 40% are girls (that is, 1,280 girls, 1,920 boys). During the months of September-November, 200-364 girls will be completing their training. In his opinion the settlements should not be depleted of all the immigrant youths. This would destroy Aliyat HaNo'ar, and not everyone can be absorbed in the camps.

       - Hai [Yissacharov], Eliahu [Sacharoff], Aharon Remez, and Teddy [Kollek] propose purchasing in the United States: radio sets $ 200,000, radars $ 140,000, 20 P-51 [Mustang] fighter planes with 120 [heavy] machine [gun]s and ammunition (2.4 million) - $1,000,000 armament and ammunition for the three "Fortresses" (B-17) - 24 [heavy] machine [gun]s 144,000, 4 - P-47 - 120,000, 12 AT-6 training aircraft [Harvard] - $ 60,000, along with miscellaneous, requires $2.5 million.

       Received from Kozlowski [Pinchas Sapir], an accounting of purchases made and about to be made.


1. Purchases [Baulin Banuel ?] (?): 12 120 mm mortars + 7000 shells, 12 47 mm C. + 25000 Sh. [shells], 12 50 mm C. + 21500 Sh, 50000 Sh. for 65 mm C., 245,000 bullets for 13.2 mm - paid one million, owe another million.

2. Finland purchase (apparently canceled) 30 120 mm mortars + 50000 Sh; 31 20 mm C. + 155000 Sh, - total $ 1.8 million.

3. Purchased by Alon in Switzerland: 20 20 mm C. + 150000 bullets - $ 950000.

4. Purchased by Avni: 1000 tons TNT - $ 300000[,] 700 bombs $ 280,000.

5. Naval C. - by Alon or Avni $ 800,000.

6. Purchased by Tzur: 2 Rapids - $ 8000, 2 "Zvuvim" [Hebrew for "flies" (the insect) - a term used for Mosquito aircraft] $25000, debt - altogether $ 700,000.

7. 40,000 Sh. for tanks in America and shipment of the tanks $ 240,000.

8. Avni's debt for the ship $50000.

9. Spare parts for the Air Force $ 150,000.

10. For Vilnay's men (?) 255,000.

11. Payment to Stephen for broker's fees (?) 75000.

12. 100 new vehicles for Boganov, 600 old vehicles, $ 310,000.

13. Maintenance of ships through the end of September 150,000.

14. Ofri and Yoram through the end of September 100,000.

15. Debt to Pozner including $ 250000 B.G. instructions (?) on ''aliya issues $ 600,000.

16. For Teddy including debt of a quarter million for the transport of 160 pilots and mechanics 450,000.

17. Purchased by Teddy 50 105 mm C., at 3200 each 160,000.

18. Administration through the end of September 40,000.

19. Payment to Ofri per the 1 million obligation (to acquire credit of 3 million).

20. A.F. [Air Force ?] miscellaneous 100000.

21. Option of 50000 Sh. 75 mm - 1 million.

22. 500 tons fuel 100 octane 100000.

23. 10,000 barrels fuel 100 octane 300,000.

Total [procurement deals] 10.4 million, against this there's 2.5 million in cash. To cover all the above obligations, [we're] short $ 7,990,000.