יומנים > יומן - מלא 29/12/1947

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Monday, December 29, 1947

Grabovsky [Meir Argov]: Asks about an "agreement" [with the secessionists]. I explained that after [Yitzhak] Gruenbaum and [Moshe-Haim] Shapira's conversation with Y. Galili it became clear that the decision had been made without enough information, and Gruenbaum admitted that there isn't a complete commitment [on the part of ETZEL and LEHI] to refrain from actions against English or Jews. Therefore, as of now, there's no agreement.

       Settlements are asking whether to continue paying taxes [to the Mandate government]. In Netanya army was sent [British soldiers were sent] to collect debts. I was surprised that [we're] raising the question of a "civil uprising" now.

       - The committee on armoring [of passenger vehicles] and roads (Golda, Pinhas, and others) requested 45,000 for armoring (30,000 from Kofer HaYishuv), for roads 120,000. The UJA's remaining funds - according to Grabovsky - 125,000.

       - I wrote an article for the Manufacturers' monthly [Palestine and the Middle East, edited by a leading figure from the Manufacturers' Association and an indirect mouthpiece for the Jewish Agency's Political Department].

       - I summoned the deputy mayor [of Tel Aviv] Perlson [Eliezer Peri] to have him evacuate the camp in the northern part of the city [Camp Yona], which is occupied by the warehouses of Hadassah, Ksut Horef, and others. He explained that under pressure [from Tel Aviv Mayor Israel] Rokach, the [Haganah] commander in Tel Aviv agreed to provide space in Sarona [the Kirya, i.e., government compound] for a WIZO [Women's International Zionist Organization] facility, a Mizrachi trade school, for a yeshiva [?] seized in Tel Aviv by refugees [from outlying neighborhoods in Jaffa] and a number (6-8) of houses. In addition, a letter was received from the government demanding 27 houses marked with numbers. He advised sending a letter to the municipality - that Sarona should be evacuated. He raises the question of the security of the temporary incarceration [facility] (the police station in north [Tel Aviv]) at which LEHI men (from the theft at 25 Ben Yehuda Street) are being detained.

       [Peri] is complaining that a group of porters-contractors, 120 men, who employ 130 wage workers, are delaying the work at the port. He proposes bringing in a [military] company of conscripts. I recommended organizing this through the Tel Aviv workers' council.

       Per the advice of [David Zvi] Pinkas he requested P£ 12,000 from defense funds for additional beds in the city hospital. I refused.

       - I clarified the recent expenditures with Baruch Rabinov. The sums he received in December were spent on: personnel upkeep: Northern Galilee P£ 5,000, the center 10,000, the south 2,500, Haifa 4,000, Tel Aviv 29,000, Jerusalem 13,500, Palmach 21,400, subdistricts 11,480; in total P£ 97,760.

       The number of conscripts: in the north 1,000 Hayish, in the center 600, in the south, from Gezer, 252, in the city of Haifa 550, in Tel Aviv up to December 17, 1,000, from then until yesterday 600, in Jerusalem 500. In the subdistricts garrison force 1,200; notrim - (MP [mobile patrols], P£ 5 per man per month) 460, Palmach 1,200. This weekend [the following] will be enlisted[:] another 1,200 Palmach, total Hayish 3,502, Palmach 2,400, garrison enlisted in the subdistricts 1,200. Total by the weekend 7,562 men. This week a reinforcement of 1,300 men will be sent to the settlements (for guard duty and fortifications). Their upkeep is at our expense. Afterwards the suitable ones among them will be added to the Palmach.

       For equipment (clothing, footwear, tents, barracks, vehicles, armoring, containers, fuel) P£ 99,750 (I requested details); for transport and storage 7,000 (Asher has the details); for procurement 9,675 (Borshi); for transport 3,700 (Yosef R.), for Palmach running costs P£ 15,000. For subdistricts and cities 12,892 (regular budget), for corps (brigades) organizational budget 3,500, for hearings [?] 1,000, notrim 3,300, signal 4,000, aviation (procurement and training) 2,000, food supplies to the Negev 15,000, October-November salary 31,627, repayment of debts 2,200, fortifications in Tel Aviv 3,000, fortifications in the Galilee, for the west 3,000, for the east 7,000, for Sec [secessionists] 7,000, for the staff departments [platoons?] (?) 2,000 [7,000] - in total P£ 375,404.

       I asked why we're still spending [money] on Sec [the secessionists]. Yisrael [Galili] is in charge. There are a hundred men, under the command of Ya'akov Lubliner [Jacob Lublini] (who was with SHAI in Haifa).

       How much does a conscript cost?

       A questionnaire is currently being put together to ascertain age, family status [which will determine pay grade] etc. Based on experience to date, it turns out that upkeep for one person is a lira [P£] per day (subsistence, minor provisions, repair of clothing, family support for some of the men). From December 1 to 28, P£ 100,000 was spent for the upkeep of about 6,000 men. This does not include equipment. Per-person equipment costs P£ 27 (including: tent, bed, mattress, blankets, uniform, sweater, short winter coat, shoes, two pairs of socks, a backpack, side bag). Subsistence alone costs P£ 17. They believe that upkeep will cost P£ 19.5 per person per month (details of this expense?).

       I asked Baruch [Rabinov] for a detailed budget regarding: the apparatus [organizational staff] as of the start of December and at the end of December, upkeep of conscripts at the end of December, courses, aviation, signal, cargo transport, equipment, procurement, fortifications, sea [naval force] (How many sailors does the Palmach have? How much does naval training cost, and what instruments [vessels] are available to them?), vehicles, containers, fuel, transport, airplanes.

       - I summoned Zelig [Elimelech Zelikovich-Avner]. He's director of the housing department at the Tel Aviv municipality. Handled the Zablawi building [housing compound in Yad Eliyahu], Nissen huts [British WWII barracks] in northern Tel Aviv, [to have them serve] as immigrant housing. A million was invested as capital (including a loan of 400,000 from the government).

       I asked him if he wants to serve now. He replied that his character is such that he can [do] either everything or nothing. I said that this is not possible now, because for every activity he'll be subordinate to someone and will only carry out part of it. He replied that when it comes to his part he'll have to be the absolute landlord [boss].

       - [Dr. Shimshon] Unichman, who returned from Paris yesterday, came to see me. Before leaving he spoke with a Russian acquaintance of his. The Russian is "more than angry" at us. They understand that they can only expect neutrality from us - but they have reports saying that the Yishuv (aside from two parties) is practicing a double standard [i.e. - leaning towards the West]: explicit promises were made [to Western states] for bases in the Negev. They only approached one side to request weapons.

       According to [Yeshayahu] Kalinov, from the start of December through the 15th of this month not a single word about Eretz Israel appeared in the Russian press, as if there were orders to eliminate any support for Zionism. - Lisicky [from Czechoslovakia, chairman of the UN Palestine Commission] is causing trouble - even from Geneva. He tried to obtain a letter from the Revisionists stating their objection to partition and their strength in the Zionist movement and their non-recognition of the [Jewish] Agency. Unichman prevented the Revisionists from issuing such a document. Unichman believes that Lisicky can be removed from the commission - if we deem it necessary - because he (Unichman) has contacts in military circles and the security services in Czechoslovakia. They don't respect Lisicky.

       He complained about Ehud [Avriel] with regard to Klinger. Klinger became rich and wants respect, and that's why he's interested in [supplying] equipment. Last Wednesday Ehud [Avriel] telephoned Unichman to have him keep Klinger in Paris, because he's having problems in Czechoslovakia. According to Klinger the Russians took half of our order (apparently to Greece). He has no complaint about Ehud [Avriel] or Shaul [Avigur] with regard to Klinger (this was at the end [of the conversation], as opposed to the beginning).

       - [Aharon] Ben-Yosef reports that there are only 400 people from Bulgaria on the two ships [the Pans]. [We] need to send a delegation to Bulgaria. Our party approached the S.D. [Social-Democrats] in Bulgaria on the matter. He doesn't think anything will come of this. He suggests that a member from abroad try to go to Bulgaria. Need to increase the Agency's budget for the Bulgarian Zionist movement. [Chaim] Barlas [the Jewish Agency representative in Constantinople] [reported] that the Joint [Distribution Committee] in Paris allocated $ 10,000 for training in Bulgaria. The administration is currently providing P£ 60 per month. Need to provide P£ 2,000 per year, as requested from Bulgaria. Upon my return from Bulgaria [after visiting in 1945], a fundraiser was organized here, and P£ 1,200 is being kept at the Bulgarian immigrants' bank. The bank is prepared to provide another 2,000 - as a fund for Bulgarian immigrants, if I agree to this.

       A delegation of representatives of [immigrants from] Bulgaria, Turkey, and Greece (Avraham Assa [sp.], Yosef Uziel, and Baruch Uziel) oppose the policy of [Eliyahu] Elyashar [who was acting on behalf of the Sephardic community] and want to see me. I'll gladly see them.

       - Ziama [Aran] and Pinhas [Lavon] believe that Zabrasky's demands [regarding his responsibilities] are impossible. For logistics they propose Kozlowski [Pinchas Sapir], [Moshe] Soroka (from Kupat Holim), and Yosef [Yizraeli].

       For production: Hillel Cohen [a Solel Boneh director] and Vilenchuk. Any risk [regarding production] is at Solel Boneh's expense.

       For hasbara [explanation, public relations] they propose a complete consortium [of journalists and publicists]: [Ezriel] Carlebach, [Eliezer] Liebenstein [Livneh], Ziama [Aran], [Aryeh] Gelblum [Haaretz] (or Kramer [Moshe Keren]), Idov Cohen [KKL public relations department], [Ya'akov] Amit [Al Hamishmar], [Yosef] Haftman [HaBoker], and [Dr. Israel] Kastner [future editor of Uj Kelet], who could be the coordinator in a few months. For now Ziama is proposed as coordinator.

       They suggest establishing a "committee for our defenders." They spoke with Bebe [Idelson]. The answer will be given tomorrow.

       In my opinion more people, from other circles, are needed. Maybe Hadassah [the wife of Edwin] Samuel and Israel Shochat.

       As a small political committee they propose: Shkolnik [Levi Eshkol], Ziama [Aran], Pinhas [Lavon]. All their proposals seem [acceptable] to me.

       - My final visitor was Herzl Berger [an editor for Davar] - (it seems to me that this is the first time he visited me); a press conference is needed. There's confusion surrounding the two ships [the Pans] and "the arrangement" [with the secessionists]. So far Davar hasn't reacted.

       Hadshot Ha'erev [Mapai's evening newspaper] is in a difficult situation: there's no capital. The circulation is about 8,000. Only at 11,000 will it be self-sustaining. Need to appoint an editor (currently Schitz [sp,] - his assistant is Berger). Earlier they wanted [Zvi] Kroy (from the Administrators' Center - and Globman [Akiva Govrin] refuses to release him). He began writing for the newspaper - and now they doubt whether he'll succeed … The party allocated 300 per month, but is behind on the payments. Need a recurring capital of P£ 2,000.

       - [Ya'akov] Botkovsky [a trader and importer] informs me of an acquaintance in Belgium, a professor at [the University of] Liège, Zionist, technical advisor for the [weapons] factory F.N. [who] will give us equipment and they'll take responsibility for delivery to the country. At our end we have to guarantee receipt of the merchandise at one of the ports in the country. Payment can be made with Belgian money. In two weeks he'll leave for Europe.

       - At a quarter to ten in the evening Dolik [David Horowitz] telephoned me. He arrived tonight from Geneva by plane to Lod and from there by car (!). Moshe [Sharett] was late and might come tonight or tomorrow. I asked him to leave [come] immediately because he has matters [to report] from Ehud [Avriel] and Eliezer [Kaplan]. He came immediately.

       Dolik Horowitz left London two days ago. Kaplan arrived in London on Friday [December 26]. Yesterday and today Dolik was in Geneva. He saw Shaul [Avigur] and Ehud [Avriel] in Geneva. A contract with the factory [in Czechoslovakia] is concluded - and will be signed in a week (absolutely certain). It's possible to obtain more - if we only have the means. So far he's been in talks for an amount of $ 700,000. Delivery has been arranged.

       Eliezer [Kaplan] conveyed: He made 450,000 in cash and a commitment up to a million available to Yehuda [Arazi], half a million to Haim [evidently Pozner]. For [Freddy] Fredkins a sum of P£ 20,000 was arranged. [Freddy] has been in talks regarding 30 airplanes for some of P£ 65,000. For now he bought 12 airplanes at P£ 20,000.

       Regarding the UJA, there's an agreement that 20% of the fund is for defense, the first P£ 135,000 for the two funds [KKL and Keren HaYesod] go to defense. In America Eliezer took a loan of $ 7.5 million from one company, of this they're deducting 1½ million due them from before. Canada as well is lending two million. He hopes to obtain another loan of a million at 1% annualy. Eliezer will arrive here between January 7 and 10. Zagagi is demanding Silvershein [sp.]'s 25,000 and 500,000 Swiss francs held by Pino for Ehud's needs.

       They bought five armored vehicles in America.

       - Late at night I received a telephonegram [transcript of a telephone conversation] from Golda: Gurney [first secretary, British Mandate Government] explicitly told her that there's an instruction order against searching for weaponry and taking it from our men - if it hasn't been used for attack. The Negev matter [imprisonment of Palmach men in Tze'elim] contravened this instruction. Yehezkel [Sahar] is handling the return of the weapons.

       The government approved an additional 300 notrim for manufacturing institutions and factories. In three days she'll receive a positive answer regarding the Hebrew settlements police per her list (?). Henceforth the trains will have meticulous protection (we shall see!).

       She'll come to Tel Aviv on Wednesday or Thursday for an internal [closed-door] conversation.