Saturday, January 3, 1948
Shevah [Slavin, the engineer] is demanding reimbursement of P£ 15,000 for fifty tons of TNT [purchased abroad and paid for by Ta'as] - (The price per ton in America is $ 130, for the commissioner 30% - $32.5, payment of 15% for waiving purchasing rights 19.5, packaging and transport to warehouse 150, conveyance to port and to sea 100, personnel expenses in the US 25, unloading in the country 60 - total 517 (price per ton in the country). They purchased 250 tons at $ 129,250. Against this amount Shevah invested P£ 15,000, and Yisrael is demanding that this amount be registered as procurement rather than Ta'as.[)]
- [Eliezer] Kaplan cables from London that on Monday (the day after tomorrow) he'll be in Geneva and will examine the possibility of payments. He doesn't understand the reason for the delay in payments here.
- The "Teneh" [SHAI] reports that a consul in Jerusalem is responsible for the information about a major plan underway in Syria and the invasion of 5,000 men under Fawzi [al-Qawuqji].
- Before noon a meeting of the [party] secretariat. Arthur [Lourie] cables from New York that according to the [UN] Secretariat, the UN [Palestine] Commission will soon see to the establishment of a Council of Government, a militia, will examine the possibilities of increased ''aliya and a port. Need to demand that the Council be established in accordance with the determination of two institutions - the [Jewish] Agency and the National Council; a militia of 20,000, and ''aliya - at least 6,250 per month, based on the calculation of such ''aliya from September 1947 to August 1 [1948], at which point ''aliya will be completely under the state's authority.
[David] Remez raised [a proposal for] an arrangement [with] the secessionists. The majority rejected the proposals, and [we] decided to insist on [that they] refrain from any separate action and accept the Haganah's authority.
I announced that if the budget necessary for defense (7 million by August) is not sorted out by the time Kaplan returns, then I will insist that Kaplan immediately travel with me to America to secure this amount. [Some party] members believe we can secure a large portion of this amount in the country - through a loan. I'm doubtful.
- Alon [Yehuda Arazi] telegraphs: "My mission will not be feasible if there's no possibility of purchasing and transferring, and without money this cannot be done. Anything can be acquired. There are ships available to us, ready to set sail over the course of a month. Airplanes can already transfer initial needs this very month. Without money bazookas cannot be bought. I cannot continue." I telegraphed him to continue working. Soon Kaplan will return. I'll clarify financial arrangements with him. If necessary I'll fly to America soon. I also telegraphed Kaplan in London and Geneva to return immediately.
- E. Epstein [Eliahu Elath] confirms - on the basis of a report by the American legation regarding a conversation with the king [Abdallah] - that the Legion will operate in the name of the League (in the entire country? in Arab territory?)
- Ian [Yaacov Yannai] informs me that the signal [wireless] setup between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv has been completed. At each end there will be two men operating.
- At four a large gathering [discussion] of the Political Department. Ze'ev Sherf presented an overview of preparations for the formation of a government apparat [apparatus] and government departments of the state.
- At six a meeting with the Committee of Three and Golda. I reviewed the defense preparations and needs - and focused especially on the budget problem. Following Golda's proposal, Ziama [Aharonowitz -Aran] and Pinhas [Lubianker-Lavon] agreed to send a telegraph to America [to the Zionist Organization fundraising campaign] [requesting] that they give a million dollars to Alon [Y. Arazi], and I will issue a letter here in the name of the [Jewish] Agency [stating] that we receive this loan. Shkolnik [Levi Eshkol] was tasked with preparing a list of institutions and people [in the country] who would lend P£ 2 million, and when Kaplan arrives we'll start to implement the plan.
- Reuven [Shiloah] presented me with the proposals submitted by the committee I established yesterday - on Arab advisors [advisors on Arab affairs] to the command: For the Zebulun [subdistrict] Battalion - Amnon Yannai [from Nahalal]. For the Eastern U.G. [Upper Galilee] - Mano Friedman [from Rosh Pinna]. For the Lower Galilee and Valley - Joseph Fein. For the city of Haifa - Tuvia Arazi. For the entire north - Elisha Soltz or Tuvia Lishansky (SHAI) or Moshe Dayan (this is David's proposal - all the others object, because he's needed for a national position). For the Center - Shimshon Mashbitz [SHAI]. For Jaffa and surroundings - Zvi Meckler [sp.] (SHAI) [from Yarkona]. For the entire south - Binyamin Gibli (SHAI). For the Negev - David Karon (SHAI). For Jerusalem - Ya'akov Shimoni or Yitzhak Navon (SHAI). Alongside the Head Staff [General Staff] - Reuven [Shiloah].