[Wednesday,] March 3, 1948
Ya'akov [Dori] fell ill, and I went to see him with Yisrael [Galili]. I told him about [David] Marcus's findings and we discussed establishing the school [for battalion commanders]. Ya'akov sees a problem in pulling a number of commanders from their positions for a month. As to establishing two brigades - they agree, but while Yisrael acknowledges the need to separate the Negev brigade from the Palmach staff in principle, in practice he doesn't want this now. In my opinion the Negev brigade staff should be established immediately. I envision Shlomo [Shamir] as commander. Yisrael didn't object, but Ya'akov was doubtful. Both agreed on separating the naval force from the Palmach - at least in principle.
- Executive meeting in the afternoon regarding composition of the government council and provisional government.
- In the evening, until 2 a.m., [Mapai] Secretariat meeting regarding the government - because our associates in the General Council attacked the Agency decision in this matter with bitterness and baffling viciousness. The Secretariat affirmed the Agency's position.
We further discussed the press.