יומנים > יומן - מלא 03/04/1948

South Africa
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April 3, 1948 The evening [Zionist General Council] "market" has already begun-meetings with guest members of the Executive, the General Council, and the two experts (Karolovich [sp?]-navy, Henshel-air. - Ian [Yaacov Yannai] gave me the order of the signal operation: foreign intelligence gets three: Noa Chen [Chaikin] of ''Ein Harod, Efrat [Hafetz-Yaffe] (who also knows how to decode), and Gershon [Efrati] (from Caesarea). The decoders are (apart from Efrat) Leah (wife of the chief technician, "Ishi" [Yeshayahu Lavie] and another girl [Yehudit Ingver-Nevo]. From abroad, sending [cables]: "the Mossad" [le-''Aliya], Ehud [Avriel], Shaul [Avigur], Monia [Meridor], S.A. [sherut avir, Air Service], Nahum [Shadmi]; broadcasting from Paris, Milan, Marseilles (from Rome too, temporarily): In Eretz[-Israel], 12 are working in Morse at the center. Coding is complicated. [The material] is sent to a mifgash [an agreed-upon place] (to the duty officer). A lab is needed. Instead of 20 workers, 150 are needed. The lab will demand P£ 25,000. For signal, 4,000 people will be needed. 900 are working now. There are only 30 instructors. The goods Ian purchased-four shipments of it have left America. Some of it hasn't gone yet. The ships will arrive 20 days on. Five radars were purchased. The chief expert here-is Shalom Kass from Kibbutz C of Hashomer Hatzair [Hatzor-Ashdod today]. - [David] Densky from South Africa visited me. They're ready to send us 20-25 pilots, signalmen, radar operators, airplane workers [ground crews]. Asks if he should send civilians. I answered: for now-no. Buy six aircraft for us-2 Bonanzas (3 seaters), 2 Ensigns, 2 Rapids. A Dakota may be purchased or chartered. - Meetings again.