[Friday,] March 5, 1948
The Air Service has 27 pilots in an advanced course, now entering their third month of training. During November-December the Air Service spent P£ 6,548 (725 organizational, training and personnel upkeep 2,031, conscripted unit (?) 41, 3,750[)]. In January 18,175 was spent (for organization 369, for training 1,126, for the unit 718, for purchases 15,769, for airfields 192), in February 7,793 (for organization 128, training 5,000, unit 1,395, purchases 5,751, airfields 511). Partial debt repayments (?) through the end of January 5,800 (for organization 221, for training 30, for the unit 425, for purchases 3,177) partial debt repayments (?) [.] In February 14,801 (for organization 354, for training 1,282, for the unit 1,230, for purchases 11,935).
From November to February 53,120 was spent (for organization 1,799, training and upkeep 4,474, for the unit 3,810, for purchases 40,384, for airfields 703, for working capital 1,946).
During this time 51,443 was received (in November [and] December 8,898, in January 20,015, in February P£ 22,529).
- Kozlowski [Pinchas Sapir] and Yosef R. [Avidar]: [We're] missing opportunities for purchases for lack of money. The food situation is severe. They requested P£ 114,000, received P£ 30,000. There's no food in the camps. Must have 45,000 immediately, and on Sunday morning another P£ 45,000.
- Yigal P. [Allon]: The Negev is adjacent to the [Palmach] brigade; why the interest in separating them?
I asked: Explain why the regime in the Negev differs from that in the rest of the country? [He said:] This is a blow to the brigade and those responsible for them. There was a time when the Negev was a subdistrict - that was absurd. The men of the brigade protected the settlements. Now it's necessary to protect the area; there's the pride of a brigade. The brigade managed so far and will also manage in the future. The Negev will require 3 battalions. Outside of the Negev there will be five infantry battalions. Until three months ago there were four battalions.
What's [the difference] between Palmach conscripts and conscripts to other battalions? - There's no difference, aside from the training groups, which are more ideal material.
Is there a difference in the training? - Among new recruits there's no difference. There's a difference in terms of squad commanders and command in general.
What's the difference? - The squad commanders' course is 25 days, and squad commander in the Palmach is 45 days. The platoon commander course is the same for the Palmach and the battalions. No one goes to squad commander [training] if he hasn't participated in action as a new recruit.
Difference in content? - To become an independent squad commander who weighs things up for himself and makes a decision, because he's already participated in actions (sabotage, radar, bridges).
I asked: We need an army for the Negev to defend the settlements and the borders - why does this force have to have a regime that differs from all the other forces, that is, aside from the local command - two more national commands, one of the Palmach, one of the [General] Staff, when every other brigade has only one national command?
- [Zaki] Chelouche, [Ya'akov] Mizrahi, Bechor [Sheetrit]: regarding the government council. They want more than one [representative]. I explained that in principle they [government council members] aren't supposed to be representatives of an ethnic group. It is being done to maintain peace, and they'll have one person to the government (among the 13). In any event they shouldn't demand more than two. They accepted this demand. Their candidate for the government is Sheetrit, but because he's a judge, they want someone else for the time being, until the English leave. If the [UN Palestine] Commission does not object - then in my view it's possible.
- In the [Jewish Agency] Executive this morning (in Gruenbaum's absence) we decided [on the composition of the provisional government]: 4 the party [Mapai], 2 Mapam, 2 Mizrachi, 2 General Zionists. So far general agreement. Shapira suggested that there be a Revisionist. This was rejected. The decision was 1 for the Sephardim, 1 for the Aguda [Agudas Israel]; a question arose as to HaIhud HaEzrahi. Gruenbaum had relayed that he would not participate if HaIhud HaEzrahi is included. [Peretz] Bernstein proposed that the General [Zionist]s be given 3, and they'll provide one "economic" [appointment]. I proposed, and it was agreed, that if the one [the third General Zionist] is recognized by the so-called HaIhud HaEzrahi - then fine. If not, they'll only receive 2, and we'll discuss the one.