יומנים > יומן - מלא 05/12/1947

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[Friday,] December 5, 1947

Kesselman [sp.], father of one of the four Sarona fallen soldiers: He's been working for twenty months now at the [Jewish] Agency in Tel Aviv with no appointment. He was offered compensation for his son's death by the "Shura" [Haganah] - and he refused. In December his appointment comes to an end. He's level A, his salary is P£ 31 month. Not enough for his subsistence.

       - The joint commission [Situation Committee] of the [Jewish] Agency and the National Council [discussed] the people's guard. [Yitzhak] Gruenbaum suggests not having a committee at the head, but rather a man whom he described as: "someone smart, doesn't get angry, measured, with foresight" (does he mean Sneh?). Will be subordinate to the head of the [Jewish Agency?] Defense Department.

       [Moshe Haim] Shapira: The question is the relations with municipalities. [David Zvi] Pinkas: It will be an army, for both domestic and foreign security, and upon its establishment the Organization [Haganah] will be terminated.

       I noted 6 problems: 1) The framework of the guard: in my opinion, [it should be] the Organization's framework. The state will have three separate forces: army, gendarmerie [for border patrol], police. As of now, one force with three formations. People's guard - a gendarmerie nucleus. 2) Command - the Organization command: in each city - a commander, alongside him an assistant for the people's guard. A national commander for the people's guard - subordinate to the [General] Staff. 3) Role - internal security and repelling attack and invasion from outside - then gendarmerie. 4) Municipalities: in each city a situation committee, for contact with the Headquarters. No orders, but rather advice and demands [requirements]. 5) A civilian authority: Defense Committee? An ad hoc body? 6) Legislation and judiciary: laws on imprisonment, trial, use of force. We haven't decided yet.